該公司的報告《2025 年全球煉油廠真空蒸餾裝置 (VDU) 展望——產能和資本支出展望以及所有運營和計劃的真空蒸餾裝置的詳細信息》顯示,到2025年,非洲的VDU總產能可能增加93.6萬桶/天。其中,91.7萬桶/天 的產能將來自新建煉油廠,其余產能來自現有煉油廠的擴建。
GlobalData的石油和天然氣分析師Teja Pappoppula評論道:“到2025年,尼日利亞將引領非洲新增VDU產能,約占新增總產能的一半。計劃中的拉各斯I煉油廠占該國新增產能的大部分,預計在2022年新增產能為31.2萬桶/天。埃及的Mostorod II煉油廠是非洲唯一一個即將擴建的項目,預計將在2022年增加1.9萬桶/天的產能。”
GlobalData 將亞洲確定為全球 VDU 產能增加的第二大貢獻者,到2025年,亞洲將占全球VDU新增產能的約29%。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 油氣新聞
Africa leads global refinery VDU capacity additions by 2025, says GlobalData
Africa is expected to register the highest refinery vacuum distillation units (VDU) capacity additions globally during 2021 to 2025, contributing around 33% of the total capacity additions by 2025, says GlobalData, a leading data, and analytics company.
The company’s report, ‘Global Refinery Vacuum Distillation Units (VDU) Outlook to 2025 – Capacity and Capital Expenditure Outlook with Details of All Operating and Planned Vacuum Distillation Units’, reveals that Africa is likely to witness total VDU capacity additions of 936 thousand barrels per day (mbd) by 2025. Of this, 917 mbd of capacity would be from new build refineries and the remaining capacity from the expansion of existing refineries.
Teja Pappoppula, Oil and Gas Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “Nigeria leads new build VDU capacity additions in Africa by 2025, accounting for around one-half of the total capacity additions. The planned Lagos I refinery accounts for the majority of the capacity additions in the country, with a capacity of 312 mbd expected to be added in 2022. The Mostorod II refinery in Egypt is the only upcoming expansion project in Africa with 19 mbd of capacity expected to be added in 2022.”
GlobalData identifies Asia as the second highest contributor to the global VDU capacity additions, accounting for roughly 29% of the total additions by 2025.
The Middle East ranks third globally, contributing an estimated 20% of global VDU capacity additions during the outlook period. Iraq accounts for the majority of the capacity additions in the region, with 300 mbd of capacity expected to be added by 2025 from five new build and one expansion project.?