去年,全球只有一個液化天然氣出口項目——墨西哥的Costa Azul液化天然氣終端——達成了FID。
國際能源署 (IEA) 上個月表示,按照2050年凈零的設想,2025年后地區間液化天然氣貿易將需要迅速下降。
全球能源監測執行董事Ted Nace 表示:“那些習慣于將基礎設施視為‘安全’投資的人,可能會在液化天然氣終端項目上遭遇坎坷。”
朱佳妮 摘譯自 阿納多盧新聞
LNG sector faces delays to 26 export terminal projects globally
The liquefied natural gas (LNG) sector has been hit by severe project disruptions and delays to final investment decisions (FIDs) of 26 LNG export terminals globally, a report by Global Energy Monitor revealed Thursday.
The annual report entitled Nervous Money: Global LNG Terminals Update 2021 confirms that climate change, security concerns, the economic slowdown due to Covid-19, and feasibility concerns are among the main reasons leading to disruptions.
The capacity of delayed export terminals total 265 million tonnes per annum, it said.
"The cost overruns, scheduling delays, and high outage rate that plagued the LNG sector were further exacerbated in the past year by Covid-related workforce disruption."
only one LNG export project worldwide, the Costa Azul LNG terminal in Mexico, reached an FID in the past year.
For 64% of the global export capacity in construction or pre-construction, North America has the most troubled projects with 11 of the 26 LNG export terminals reporting FID delays or other serious disruptions.
According to the report, "aggressive expansion of capacity in low-production-cost Qatar and the Russian Arctic has increased risks to US LNG export developers.”
Global Energy Monitor also noted in the report that once regarded as a potential climate solution, the LNG sector is increasingly seen as a climate problem particularly for European buyers.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) said last month that inter-regional LNG trade would need to decline rapidly after 2025 under a 2050 net-zero scenario.
"Those who are accustomed to thinking of infrastructure as a 'safe' investment may be in for a rocky ride with LNG terminals," said Ted Nace, executive director of Global Energy Monitor.
He said the opportunity has narrowed for more export capacity to be built.
Nonetheless, LNG import capacity is continuing to expand rapidly, with enough projects in construction or pre-construction to increase global capacity by 70%.
"Of the capacity in construction or pre-construction, 32% is in the curtain country of Asia, 11% is in India, and 7% is in Thailand. Outside Asia, Brazil is a hotspot with 13 LNG import terminals in construction or pre-construction," the report revealed.