據俄羅斯油氣網6月25日消息稱,據路透社報道,諾瓦泰克公司首席財務官Mark Gyetvay在6月23日的一次在線會議上透露,諾 瓦泰克公司已決定重新配置其位于俄羅斯北極地區的Obsk液化天然氣項目,以生產氨、氫和甲醇。
諾瓦泰克本打算在2020年對Obsk液化天然氣做出最終投資決定,但考慮到COVID-19大流行對天然氣市場的影響,該公司推遲了 這一決定。該工廠預計在2024-2025年投產,產量約為500萬噸/年。
據路透社報道,Gyetvay在Renaissance Capital組織的一次在線會議上表示: 我們最近宣布將從Obsk LNG轉向Obsk Gas Chemistry,這將生產氨氣、氫氣和甲醇等清潔燃料。Obsk LNG將展示諾瓦泰克專有的北極級聯液化技術,該技術已用于諾瓦 泰克的 90 萬噸/年第四條亞馬爾液化天然氣生產線,目前正在調試中。然而,由于亞馬爾液化天然氣生產線的延誤,《生意人報》在 3 月份報道稱,諾瓦泰克正在考慮改用德國林德公司開發的技術。
俄羅斯的石油和天然氣公司正面臨著投資者要求它們提高環保資質的壓力。作為回應,諾瓦泰克提出了氫和碳捕獲和存儲計劃 。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 俄羅斯油氣網
Novatek converts Obsk LNG to green fuels
Novatek has decided to reconfigure its Obsk LNG project in the Russian Arctic to produce ammonia, hydrogen and methanol, CFO Mark Gyetvay revealed at an online conference on June 23, Reuters reported.
Novatek had aimed to take a final investment decision on Obsk LNG in 2020 but delayed the move in light of the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on gas markets. The plant was expected to come on stream in 2024-2025 and produce around 5 mln metric tons/year.
Gyetvay said at an online conference, organised by Renaissance Capital, according to Reuters: One of the announcements we've made recently was to move away from Obsk LNG to Obsk Gas Chemistry, which will be ... producing clean fuel like ammonia, hydrogen and methanol. Obsk LNG was due to showcase Novatek's proprietary Arctic Cascade liquefaction technology, which has also been put to use at Novatek's 0.9 mln mt/yr 4th Yamal LNG train, currently undergoing commissioning. Amid delays at the Yamal LNG train, however, Kommersant reported in March that Novatek was considering using technology developed by Germany's Linde instead.
Russian oil and gas companies are under pressure from investors to improve their environmental credentials. Novatek has responded with proposed hydrogen and carbon capture and storage initiatives.