阿爾伯塔投資公司首席執行官David Legg 告訴《金融郵報》:“氫氣所發生的一切令人著迷。這有點像70年代的電動汽車或80年代的人工智能——你聽說過這些東西,但似乎什么都沒發生,所以每個人都有點翻白眼,但現在它只是家具的一部分。”
朱佳妮 摘譯自 原油新聞
Alberta Bets Hydrogen will Breathe New Life into Province’s Natural Gas Sector
Today, much of Alberta’s economy stems from its vast natural resources, from the oilsands to coal and vast natural gas fields.
But as the world moves away from fossil fuels, some provincial leaders, along with the federal government, are hoping Alberta can build an economy out of hydrogen, an abundant element and versatile form of energy that has been on the brink of success for decades, but has never quite lived up to expectations.
“It’s just so fascinating what’s happening with hydrogen,” David Legg, chief executive of Invest Alberta told the Financial Post. “It’s sort of like electric vehicles back in the 70s or A.I. in the 80s — you heard about those things and nothing seemed to happen, so everyone sort of rolled their eyes but now it’s just part of the furniture.”
He added, “and that’s what it feels like is happening with hydrogen right now.”
At issue, as the federal government contemplates how to dole out a proposed $8 billion ‘net zero’ fund, is whether investing in hydrogen production makes sense as a way for Alberta’s fossil fuel industry to bridge the transition to a decarbonized economy in the coming years. Long hailed as a new energy, hydrogen has fallen flat before because it can be inefficient to produce, results in some greenhouse gas emissions, requires significant infrastructure investment and is also highly combustible. But proponents say advances in technology have solved these problems.
Earlier this month, both the federal government and Invest Alberta, the economic development corporation that the province set up in 2020 to help rejuvenate its economy, announced they have each signed a memorandum of understanding with a subsidiary of U.S.-based Air Products and Chemicals about building a new $1.3 billion hydrogen production facility outside Edmonton.