據油價網6月25日消息:美國和歐洲正在引領全球航空公司座位容量和出行量緩慢但穩定的復蘇,這推動了對航空燃油的需求 。
全球航班跟蹤服務公司Flightradar24上周五(6月18日)的數據顯示,全球商業航班多達92095架次,創下2020年3月中旬以來的 最高紀錄。
美國運輸安全管理局(TSA)公共事務發言人Lisa Farbstein本周表示,TSA于6月21日在機場安檢點對2030577人進行了篩查,這 是過去11天來第六次安檢人數突破200萬。Farbstein補充說,2019年6月21日,在疫情爆發前,共篩查了2716428人。
在歐洲,歐盟將美國列入了歐盟非必要旅游的白名單,而英國本周將一些非常受歡迎的夏季旅游目的地列入了綠色名單,不要 求人們在返回英國時進行檢疫。英國將伊比沙島、馬洛卡島、馬耳他和巴巴多斯等列入所謂的綠色名單。
國際航空運輸協會(IATA)總干事Willie Walsh本周在接受采訪時表示:“我認為歐洲的開放速度可能比我們預期的要快一些。 ”
盡管今年航空業的前景看起來比2020年的這個時候更樂觀,但航空燃料需求恢復到疫情前的水平仍需數年,而不是數月的時間 。咨詢公司FGE Energy對路透社表示,例如在歐洲,煉油商繼續將航空燃料與柴油混合,并仍限制原油產量。
馮娟 摘譯自 油價網
Global Jet Fuel Demand Is Slowly Recovering
America and Europe are leading a slow but steady recovery in global airline seat capacity and travel, which is driving up demand for jet fuel.
Aviation fuel demand will not return “to normal” until at least 2023, analysts have said. But as the summer begins in the northern hemisphere, major destinations are re-opening, and tourists are eager to board a plane to a sunny destination this summer.
Globally, capacity improved by nearly 1 percentage point to reach 62 percent of 2019 levels, according to OAG data used in Bloomberg’s weekly flight tracker.
Global flight tracking service Flightradar24 tracked last Friday, June 18, as many as 92,095 commercial flights around the world—the highest number since the middle of March 2020.
In the United States, the aviation market has recovered to more than 80 percent of the levels before the pandemic, Bloomberg’s weekly estimates show.
The U.S. Transportation Security Administration screened 2,030,577 people at airport security checkpoints on June 21, which was the sixth time in the last 11 days that checkpoint volume has topped 2 million, TSA Public Affairs spokesperson Lisa Farbstein said this week. On June 21 in 2019, in pre-pandemic times, 2,716,428 people were screened, Farbstein added.
In Europe, the European Union white-listed the U.S. for non-essential travel into the bloc, while the UK this week added some very popular summer destinations to its green list that doesn’t require people to quarantine on their return to the UK. Britain added Ibiza, Mallorca, Malta, and Barbados, among others, to its so-called green list.
“I think Europe is probably going to open up a bit faster than we had expected,” Willie Walsh, Director General of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), told Bloomberg in an interview this week.
While the prospects for the aviation industry look rosier this year than at this time in 2020, a return of jet fuel demand to pre-COVID levels is still years, not months, away. In Europe, for example, refiners continue to blend jet fuel into diesel and still cap crude runs, consultancy FGE Energy told Reuters.