據OE網站6月23日報道,倫敦上市的油氣公司Harbour Energy周三表示,預計其位于英國北海的Tolmount氣田將于7月底左右首次投產。
Tolmount 氣田位于英國北海南部的 42/28d 區塊。其于2011年被發現,并于 2013 年進行了進一步的評估鉆探。Greater Tolmount 地區包括 Tolmount East 發現,尚未做出最終投資決定。
Harbour Energy是作為該氣田的運營商,擁有該氣田50%的股份。該公司表示,Tolmount氣田的最終調試工作正在進行中,預計下月底左右開始生產。
通過Chrysaor和Premier Oil合并創建的Harbour表示,四口開發井中的兩口在此期間順利完工,目前正在進行第三口井的鉆探。一旦達到穩定水平,Tolmount 預計將為集團日產量增加 2萬-2.5 萬桶油當量。Tolmount East開發項目的最終投資決定預計將于2021年第三季度做出。
Tolmount 平臺是一個通常無人值守的平臺,將處理來自四個平臺井的濕氣生產。
作為北海南部項目的一部分,Heerema安裝了2350噸的導管架和2500噸的上部組塊。這兩個設施都是由Rosetti Marino在意大利建造的。該氣田的天然氣將通過管道運到陸上。
Tolmount氣田的合作伙伴是Harbour Energy(50%)和達納石油(Dana Petroleum)(50%)。
郝芬 譯自 OE
First Gas from Tolmount Field Expected in July, Harbour Energy Says
London-listed oil and gas company Harbour Energy said Wednesday it expected the first production from its Tolmount field in the UK North Sea around the end of July.
The Tolmount gas field is located in Block 42/28d, in the UK southern North Sea. It was discovered in 2011 with further appraisal drilling in 2013. The Greater Tolmount Area includes the Tolmount East discovery, for which a final investment decision has yet to be made.
Harbour Energy, which owns a 50 percent stake in the field and is the operator, said that the final commissioning was underway at Tolmount, with the first production expected at around the end of next month.
"Two of the four development wells were successfully completed during the period with drilling of the third well currently underway. once at plateau rates, Tolmount is expected to add 20-25 kboepd to Group production. A final investment decision on the Tolmount East development is expected in Q3 2021," Harbour, created through a merger between Chrysaor and Premier Oil, said.
The Tolmount platform is a normally unmanned platform and will handle wet gas production from four platform wells.
Heerema Marine Contractors last year completed the installation of the platform using its giant semi-submersible crane vessel, the Sleipnir.
As part of the project in the Southern North Sea, Heerema installed the 2,350 metric ton jacket and 2,500 metric ton topside. Both facilities were built in Italy by Rosetti Marino. Gas from the field will be shipped to shore via pipeline.
The partners in the Tolmount gas field are Harbour Energy (50%) and Dana Petroleum (50%).