據烴加工新聞6月22日消息稱,三位知情人士告訴路透社,由巴西3R石油天然氣公司和私人股本公司Seacrest Capital牽頭的財團已提交對巴西國家石油公司擁有的煉油廠和數十個油田的有約束力的報價。
兩位消息人士說,巴西石油公司預計出售Polo Potiguar將獲得數億美元到10多億美元資金。巴西石油公司正在出售數十項非核心資產,以減少債務,并專注于深水石油生產。
消息人士說,總部位于里約熱內盧的Grupo Verde Brasil(GVB)和總部位于休斯頓的B-in合作伙伴已納入3R主導的資產競購隊伍,統稱為Polo Potiguar。
巴西國家石油公司8月份宣布,將出售位于巴西東北部北里奧格蘭德州的Polo Potiguar。根據2020年招標文件,該資產包括2.3萬桶/天的陸上和淺水石油產量。該項目還包括Potiguar Clara Camarao煉油廠,其裝機容量為3.96萬桶/天。
消息人士說,如果巴西石油公司發現對Polo Potiguar的任何出價合適,它可能會在幾天內或幾周內開始與中標財團進行雙邊談判。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 烴加工新聞
Brazil's 3R bid for Petrobras refinery and oilfields
Consortia led by Brazil's 3R Petroleum Oleo e Gas SA and private equity firm Seacrest Capital have submitted binding offers for a refinery and dozens of oilfields owned by state-run Petrobras, three people familiar with the matter told Reuters.
Polo Potiguar is expected to fetch Petroleo Brasileiro SA from several hundred million dollars to over a billion dollars, two sources said. Petrobras is selling dozens of non-core assets to reduce debt and focus on deepwater oil production.
Rio de Janeiro-based Grupo Verde Brasil (GVB) and Houston-based B-in Partners have joined the 3R-led bid for the assets, known collectively as Polo Potiguar, the sources said.
Petrobras announced in August it was putting Polo Potiguar, located in the northeastern state of Rio Grande do Norte, up for sale. The asset includes 23,000 barrels per day (bpd) of onshore and shallow-water oil production, according to 2020 bidding documents. It also includes the Potiguar Clara Camarao Refinery, which has installed capacity of 39,600 bpd.
If Petrobras finds any bids for Polo Potiguar suitable, it will likely begin bilateral talks with the winning consortium within days or weeks, the sources said.