據天然氣資訊6月5日消息稱,特魯里安公司宣布,它已與維托爾公司簽署了液化天然氣銷售和購買協議(SPA)。SPA是Driftwood LNG基于離岸價每年供應300萬噸,為期10年。按目前的價格計算,該協議10年的營收約為120億美元。
特魯里安總裁兼首席執行官奧克塔維奧·西梅斯說:“繼續執行我們的計劃,以客戶希望的指數來銷售Driftwood LNG產量。維托爾很早就對Driftwood的開發表示了興趣,目前正與這家全球最大的獨立能源交易商敲定這項協議。隨著世界電氣化和人口增長,對可靠、低成本能源的需求將繼續增加。液化天然氣以具有吸引力的價格提供了穩定的燃料來源。
曹海斌 摘譯自 天然氣資訊
Tellurian signs SPA with Vitol
Tellurian Inc. (Tellurian) announced that it has finalised an LNG sales and purchase agreement (SPA) with Vitol Inc. (Vitol). The SPA is for 3 million tpy on a free on board (FOB) basis at Driftwood LNG for a 10-year period. At today’s prices, the agreement is valued at approximately US$12 billion in revenue over 10 years.
President and CEO Octávio Sim?es said, “Tellurian continues to execute on our plan to market Driftwood LNG volumes on indices that our customers want. Vitol expressed interest in the development of Driftwood early on, and it is fulfilling to finalise this agreement with the world’s largest independent trader of energy. As the world electrifies and our population grows, the demand for reliable, low-cost energy will continue to increase. LNG provides a stable source of fuel at an attractive price.”
Executive Vice President LNG Marketing & Trading Tarek Souki added, “Tellurian has made exceptional progress on our intended first phase capacity sales by securing this second SPA with another respected global energy trading business. The two recent agreements represent an aggregate of US$24 billion in estimated revenue; we will continue to be deliberate and selective in choosing our additional customers.”
Pablo Galante Escobar, Global Head of LNG and European Gas & Power at Vitol said: “Vitol is excited to conclude this agreement with Tellurian.”
Ben Marshall, CEO of Vitol Inc. added: “Vitol’s business continues to grow and evolve in the Americas and around the world. This agreement will make Vitol one of North America’s largest exporters of natural gas, providing our customers with cost effective and cleaner fuel solutions.”