與此同時,作為合作伙伴的諾瓦泰克正準備在2023年啟動其第二大LNG出口項目北極LNG -2項目。隨著俄羅斯實現其碳氫化合物組合的多樣化,諾瓦泰克正牽頭俄羅斯的LNG復興,道達爾能源公司以及日本企業是諾瓦泰克的合作伙伴。
道達爾能源公司首席執行官帕特里克·波漾在一份公司聲明中表示:“這些終端標志著北極LNG -2項目的推進和鞏固邁出重要的一步,它將有助于我們現有的和正在開發的亞馬爾項目貨物的安全和可持續出口。”
李峻 編譯自 天然氣新聞
TotalEnergies buys 10% of Arctic LNG trans-shipment operator
TotalEnergies, the newly named French energy major, said June 3 it had signed a deal with Novatek to acquire 10% of Arctic Transshipment, which owns and will operate 2 LNG trans-shipment terminals in Northern Russia.
It comes as Novatek, with the French company as a partner, prepares to start up its second major LNG export project, Arctic LNG 2, in 2023. Russia's LNG renaissance is being spearheaded by Novatek, with TotalEnergies and Japanese companies as partners, as the country diversifies its hydrocarbon mix.
Novatek plans to use its chartered icebreaker fleet to export LNG to trans-shipment centers for loading onto conventional LNG tankers, limiting the use of ice-class tankers and so cutting costs and CO2 emissions.
"These terminals mark an important step in the advancement and consolidation of the Arctic LNG 2 project, and will contribute to the safe and sustainable export of cargoes from our existing and developing Yamal projects," TotalEnergies CEO Patrick Pouyanne said, according to a company statement released after the signing at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.
The terminals are located at Murmansk for westward shipping, and Kamchatka in the Far East for supplies to Asia.