???? 據5月27日Natural Gas World報道,芬蘭科技集團瓦錫蘭(Wartsila) 5月26日宣布,該公司將為全球最大的沼氣液化廠提供設備。
????該工廠表示:“瓦錫蘭在我們的工廠中使用的最新混合制冷劑- MR技術是極其可靠的,并為沼氣液化提供了最低的操作成本。”我們很自豪能再次被Biokraft選中,成為其供應商,因為這代表了客戶的滿意度和對我們的認可?!?/p>
????王佳晶 摘譯自 Natural Gas World
????Finnish technology group Wartsila will supply equipment for what will be the world's biggest biogas liquefaction plant, the company announced on May 26.
????The plant, which will produce 25 metric tons/day of LNG, will be supplied to Norway-based Biokraft, a subsidiary of the Scandinavian Biogas Group. It will serve as an expansion of an existing 25 mt/day bio-LNG plant at Skogn in Norway, also supplied by Wartsila. The combined 50 mt/d complex will be "by far the largest facility of its kind in the world," Wartsila said.
????Liquefied biogas has applications in transport and industry, helping companies decarbonise their operations.
????"Wartsila’s latest mixed refrigerant – MR – technology used in our liquefaction plants is extremely reliable, and offer the lowest operating costs for liquefying biogas," the company said. "We are proud to have once again been selected by Biokraft since it represents a clear endorsement of customer satisfaction."
????The Wartsila equipment is due to be delivered in May 2022.