???? 據油價網5月28日消息稱,Wood Mackenzie周四表示,盡管國際能源署(IEA)呼吁,如果世界想要在2050年實現凈零排放,就不需要為化石燃料提供新的資金,但亞洲需要對天然氣進行投資,以減少對污染更嚴重的煤炭的依賴。
????WoodMac亞太地區能源副主席Gavin Thompson在一份分析報告中寫道:“其他許多市場的煤炭需求仍在持續上升,轉向天然氣被視為實現減排目標的關鍵?!?/p>
????朱佳妮 摘譯自 油價網
????WoodMac: Asia Needs To Invest More In Gas To Lower Emissions
????Despite the call from the International Energy Agency (IEA) that no new funding for fossil fuels is necessary if the world wants to get on the net-zero 2050 pathway, Asia is the region where investments in gas are necessary to cut its reliance on the more polluting coal, Wood Mackenzie said on Thursday.
????“With coal demand continuing to rise across many other markets, switching to natural gas is seen as critical to emission reduction goals,” Gavin Thompson, Vice Chairman, Energy – Asia Pacific at WoodMac, wrote in an analysis.
????Last week, the International Energy Agency (IEA) shocked all stakeholders in the energy industry with its suggestion that the world doesn’t need any new investments in oil, gas, and coal beyond what is already approved if it hopes to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.
????Asia is probably the poster child of the issue with the idea of ‘no investments in fossil fuels ever again.’ Until renewables rise so much as to meet most of the power demand in the region, Asia will need much more natural gas to replace coal-fired generation capacity, which is still high in many countries, including in the major developing economies such as India.
????“In fact, in some countries in Asia, we expect that faster decarbonisation is most likely to be achieved through an even greater role for gas to more aggressively displace coal while investment in renewables starts to ramp up,” WoodMac’s Thompson said.