據Oil & Gas Journal網站5月24日消息 巴西國家石油公司與Subsea 7 SA簽訂了一份合同,在桑托斯盆地鹽下2200米的水域內,開發距離巴西里約熱內盧海岸約200公里的Mero-3油田。
合同范圍包括鋼制懶波生產系統80 km剛性立管和出油管線、60 km柔性服務管線、50 km臍帶纜和相關基礎設施的工程設計、制造、安裝和預調試,以及FPSO系泊纜和連接的安裝。
位于里約熱內盧和巴黎的Subsea 7辦事處將立即開始項目管理和工程設計。管道的制造將在位于Subsea 7的Vitória Ubu預制廠進行,海上作業計劃在2023年和2024年執行,使用Subsea 7的卷軸剛性鋪管船船隊。
王磊 摘譯自 Oil & Gas Journal
Petrobras lets subsea contract for Santos basin presalt
Petrobras let a contract to Subsea 7 SA for development of Mero-3 field, about 200 km off the coast of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2,200 m of water in Santos basin presalt.
Contract scope includes engineering, fabrication, installation, and pre-commissioning of 80 km of rigid risers and flowlines for the steel lazy wave production system, 60 km of flexible service lines, 50 km of umbilicals, and associated infrastructure, as well as installation of FPSO mooring lines and hook-up.
Project management and engineering will commence immediately at Subsea 7’s offices in Rio de Janeiro and Paris. Fabrication of the pipelines will take place at Subsea 7’s spoolbase at Ubu in the state of Vitória and offshore operations are scheduled to be executed in 2023 and 2024, using Subsea 7’s fleet of reeled rigid pipelay vessels.
Mero field is owned by the Libra consortium. Petrobras is operator (40%) with partners Shell (20%), Total (20%) .