據烴加工網站5月19日報道 雪佛龍魯瑪斯全球公司(CLG)宣布在Novvi位于休斯頓鹿公園的工廠成功啟動了一個100%可再生基礎油裝置,該裝置采用了CLG最先進的ISODEWAXING?催化劑和技術。雪佛龍是CLG的合資母公司之一,是Novvi的股權合伙人。Novvi是一家總部位于加利福尼亞的公司,從事可再生能源高性能基礎油的開發、生產、營銷和分銷。
CLG在全球范圍內提供相同的ISODEWAXING?催化劑和技術,并且是該技術的市場領導者,可生產由多種原料(包括Novvi使用的生物衍生原料)衍生的優質基礎油和超純白油。 自1993年雪佛龍發明ISODEWAXING技術以來,CLG在技術開發方面一直具有領導地位,可為潤滑油行業提供優質的基礎油。
王磊 摘譯自 烴加工
Chevron Lummus Global announces successful startup of renewable base oil unit
Chevron Lummus Global (CLG) announced the successful startup of a 100% renewable base oil unit in Novvi's Deer Park, Houston facility that employs CLG's patented state-of-the-art ISODEWAXING? catalyst and technology. Chevron, one of the joint venture parents of CLG, is an equity partner in Novvi LLC (Novvi), a California-based company that engages in the development, production, marketing, and distribution of high-performance base oils from renewable sources.
Chevron's Richmond Technology Center is home to CLG's revolutionary ISODEWAXING technology. A research and development facility that has led the development of various technological advancements to bring cleaner fuels, premium base oils, and now renewable base oils to the market to continue to enable cleaner, more sustainable, and affordable energy across the globe in both fuels and lubricants.
CLG offers the same ISODEWAXING? catalyst and technology worldwide and is a market leader in this technology to produce premium base oils and ultra-pure white oils derived from a wide variety of feedstocks, including the bioderived feedstock being used at Novvi. CLG has a long history of leadership in technology development enabling premium base oils for the lubricants industry since Chevron's invention of ISODEWAXING technology in 1993.