據世界天然氣網5月14日消息 根據美國能源信息署(EIA)的數據,上周美國液化天然氣出口下滑,導致亨利中心價格下跌。
其中7艘油輪從Sabine Pass出發,各有4艘從科珀斯克里斯蒂和自由港出發,3艘卡梅隆,2艘Cove Point,1艘厄爾巴島。
吳恒磊 編譯自 世界天然氣
EIA: US weekly LNG exports slip, followed by Henry Hub prices
According to data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), , exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the United States slipped during the report week, bringing down Henry Hub prices.
For the period between 6 May and 12 May 2021, data from the United States Energy Information Administration shows that 21 LNG vessels with a combined LNG carrying capacity of 74 billion cubic feet departed the United States.
Seven tankers departed from Sabine Pass, four each from Corpus Christi and Freeport, three from Cameron, two from Cove Point, and one from Elba Island.
The Henry Hub spot price fell from $2.97 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) last Wednesday to $2.90/MMBtu this week.
Natural gas deliveries to U.S. LNG export facilities averaged 11.2 Bcf/d, about the same level as last week.