據世界能源新聞2021年5月13日報道,2021年5月10日,由日本郵船散貨運輸(亞洲)有限公司(NYK Bulkship (Asia) Pte. Ltd.)所有的“Takaroa Sun號”雙燃料甲醇化學品油輪參與了被視為世界上第一次駁船對船的甲醇燃料加注。
首次駁船對船的甲醇燃料加注作業是在租船公司Waterfront 船務有限公司的領導下,與鹿特丹港、皇家荷蘭孚寶集團和TankMatch B.V.合作在鹿特丹港進行并完成的。
李峻 編譯自 世界能源新聞
World's First Barge-to-Ship Methanol Bunkering Carried out in Rotterdam
On May 10, 2021, the methanol-dual fueled chemical tanker Takaroa Sun, owned by NYK Bulkship (Asia) Pte. Ltd. participated in what is touted as the world’s first barge-to-ship bunkering of methanol fuel.
The bunkering of methanol fuel was conducted in Rotterdam port under the leadership of the charterer Waterfront Shipping Company Limited, together with the cooperation of the Port of Rotterdam, Royal Vopak N.V., and TankMatch B.V.
Methanol fuel produces up to 15% less carbon emissions during combustion than conventional fuel oil and reduces sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions by approximately 99%. Particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are significantly reduced as well. Methanol is expected to be one of the next-generation fuels for future ships that will have a low environmental impact.