據《能源年》網站5月13日馬德里報道,西班牙能源公司雷普索爾(Repsol)已經開始建設Delta II風能項目,該項目將在西班牙東北部阿拉貢地區的26個風電場產生860兆瓦的發電量。
雷普索爾已經開始建設首兩個風電場,La Cometa I和La Cometa II,其總發電量為60兆瓦。他們將分別擁有4臺和12臺風力渦輪機,并將于2022年第一季度開始運營。該公司計劃于今年開始為DeltaII建造另外三個風電場。
整個項目預計將于2023年完成,將供應80萬戶家庭,每年減少260萬噸二氧化碳的排放。除了Delta II之外,雷普索爾還運營著阿拉貢的Delta風力項目,該項目在8個風電場中擁有89臺風力渦輪機,裝機發電量為335 兆瓦。 此外,位于帕倫西亞和巴利亞多利德之間的175兆瓦Pi風力項目的建設預計將于今年開始。
雷普索爾對可再生能源的承諾也體現在太陽能領域,該公司正在西班牙開發三個項目。2020年7月,該公司在Badajoz開始了Valdesolar風力項目的建設,總裝機發電量為264兆瓦。另外兩個項目是Ciudad Real的Kappa,其將有三個光伏電站,總裝機發電量為126兆瓦,加的斯的西格瑪,總裝機發電量為204兆瓦。
郝芬 譯自 《能源年》
Repsol starts construction on its biggest wind project
Spanish energy company Repsol has started construction on the Delta II wind energy project, which will generate 860 MW across 26 wind farms in the northeastern Spanish region of Aragon.
Repsol has commenced the construction of the first two wind farms, La Cometa I and La Cometa II, which will have a combined capacity of 60 MW. They will have four and 12 wind turbines, respectively, and will start operations in Q1 2022. The company aims to start construction on three other wind farms for the Delta II in 2021.
The whole project is expected to be completed by 2023 and will supply 800,000 homes, preventing the emission of 2.6 million tonnes of CO2 per year. Besides Delta II, Repsol also operates the Delta wind project in Aragon, which has 89 wind turbines with an installed capacity of 335 MW across eight wind farms. Moreover, construction for the 175-MW Pi wind project located between Palencia and Valladolid, is expected to start in 2021,
Repsol’s commitment to renewable energy is also enshrined in the solar power sector, where the company is developing three projects in Spain. In July 2020, the company started the construction in Badajoz of the Valdesolar wind project with a total installed capacity of 264 MW. The other two projects are Kappa in Ciudad Real, which will have three photovoltaic plants with a total installed capacity of 126 MW, and Sigma, with 204 MW of total installed capacity in Cadiz.
As part of its 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, Repsol aims to be a multi-energy company with zero net emissions by 2050. To achieve this, the company plans to reach 7.5 GW of low-emission generation by 2025 and double that by 2030. Currently, Repsol has around 3.3 GW of total installed low-emission generation capacity, with an additional 710 MW capacity to come on line by end of 2021. The company plans to invest EUR 5.5 billion between 2021 and 2025 in low-carbon initiatives, 30% of the total of EUR 18.3 billion that it has planned to invest during that period.