據鉆機地帶5月11日消息,油價上漲,因美元走軟提供了支撐,并抵消了美國墨西哥灣沿岸迅速增長的原油儲備,原因是該地區的煉油商因美國最大燃油管道運營商科洛尼爾管道運輸公司(Colonial Pipeline)關閉而削減了運營。
Colonial Pipeline正在努力重新啟動其美國最大的石油產品系統,此前一次網絡攻擊導致其業務關閉。雖然從阿拉巴馬州到弗吉尼亞州的加油站都出現了短缺,但美國海灣地區的煉油廠正在減少產量,以避免在沒有管道輸送的情況下出現供應過剩。一些煉油商已經租用船只在海上儲存精煉產品。
瑞穗證券(Mizuho Securities)期貨部門主管鮑勃?雅威格表示:“美元指數走低解釋了油價的小幅上漲。”他表示,美元疲軟可能挽救了原油市場,此前原油市場面臨壓力,因為煉油商被迫儲存無法輸送到管道的原油。
咨詢公司雷斯塔能源分析師路易絲·迪克森表示,交易員們預計Colonial Pipeline關閉的問題會逐步得到解決。市場再次關注亞洲、新冠病例以及石油需求前景的下一個信號。
與此同時,colonial遭“黑”的沖擊正在波及從煉油到航運的方方面面。在加工企業方面,道達爾縮減了位于德克薩斯州阿瑟港煉油廠的一個關鍵部門的活動,Citgo 石油也削減了位于路易斯安那州查爾斯湖的工廠的費用。由于交易商試圖解決因停運造成的供應不平衡問題,因此爭相預訂油輪。
FGE的數據顯示,由于Colonial Pipeline關閉,美國東海岸已經損失了約360萬桶汽油供應,而該地區每天的損失還將增加120萬桶。
裘寅 編譯自 Rigzone
Light Crude Ends Session Above $65
Oil rose as a weaker dollar lent support and offset a burgeoning pile up of crude in the U.S. Gulf Coast as refineries there cut runs in response to the Colonial Pipeline shutdown.
Crude futures in New York rose less than 1% Tuesday. The dollar has traded steadily weaker, making commodities priced in the currency more attractive.
Colonial Pipeline Co. is working to restart its oil-products system, the largest in the U.S., after a cyberattack shuttered operations. While gasoline stations from Alabama to Virgina report shortages, refiners in the U.S. Gulf are reducing output to avoid a glut in the absence of the pipeline. Some refiners have already chartered ships to store refined products offshore.
“The dollar index trading lower explains the slight increase in oil prices,” said Bob Yawger, head of the futures division at Mizuho Securities. The weak dollar may have saved the day for crude oil, which was facing pressure from refiners being forced to store barrels they can’t feed into the pipeline, he said.
U.S. crude oil prices are up 2.7% so far this month even with coronavirus-induced demand concerns, particularly in India, limiting rallies. Still, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries on Tuesday lifted its forecast for the amount of crude it will need to produce and the group now sees a small decline in U.S. supplies this year, mostly due to the Texas freeze in February.
Traders are expecting “a gradual resolution to the Colonial Pipeline shutdown,” according to Louise Dickson, an analyst at consultant Rystad Energy. “The market is again looking to Asia, Covid-19 cases, and the next signals for oil demand outlook.”
West Texas Intermediate for June delivery rose 36 cents to settle at $65.28 a barrel in New York
Brent for July settlement gained 23 cents to end the session at $68.55 a barrel
U.S. gasoline futures rose 0.3% to settle at $2.1399 a gallon
Meanwhile, the knock on impact of the Colonial disruption is rippling through to everything from refining to shipping. Among processors, Total SE scaled back activity in a key unit at its Port Arthur, Texas, refinery, and Citgo Petroleum Corp. also cut rates at its Lake Charles, Louisiana, plant. There’s been a rush to book oil tankers as traders seek to redress the supply imbalance caused by the stoppage.
“We are far from out of the out of the woods with the Colonial situation,” said Kilduff. “A scare among consumers is increasingly likely, where a run on gas stations may develop more broadly, especially if there is no resolution by the end of the week.”
The U.S. East Coast has lost about 3.6 million barrels of gasoline supply due to the Colonial Pipeline disruption, with the region losing an additional 1.2 million barrels each day the outage continues, according to FGE.
In the U.S., crude supplies are expected to have dropped last week, according to a Bloomberg survey. The industry-funded American Petroleum Institute will report its supply tally later Tuesday, while government data will be released on Wednesday.