日本川崎重工已經建造了世界上第一艘運輸氫氣的船Suiso Frontier。該公司告訴路透社,這艘原型船正在進行海上試驗,預計未來幾個月將從澳大利亞到日本進行約9000公里的示范首航。
川崎重工副總裁Motohiko Nishimura說:“該項目的下一個階段已經開始運行,即在本世紀20年代中期建造一艘商業規模的氫運輸船,目標是在2030年商業化。”
曹海斌 摘譯自 海事新聞
The Race is On to Pioneer Hydrogen Shipping
Hydrogen is touted as an inevitable green fuel of the future.
In the biggest technological challenge for merchant shipping in decades, companies are beginning to develop a new generation of vessels that can deliver hydrogen to heavy industry, betting plants worldwide will convert to the fuel and propel the transition to a lower-carbon economy.
There are at least three projects developing pilot ships that will be ready to test transporting the fuel in Europe and Asia within the next three years, the companies involved told Reuters.
The major challenge is to keep the hydrogen chilled at minus 253 degrees Celsius—only 20 degrees above absolute zero, the coldest possible temperature—so it stays in liquid form, while avoiding the risk that parts of a vessel could crack.
That's almost 100 degrees Celsius colder than temperatures needed to transport liquefied natural gas (LNG), which required its own shipping revolution about 60 years ago.
Japan's Kawasaki Heavy Industries has already built the world's first ship to transport hydrogen, Suiso Frontier. It told Reuters the prototype vessel was undergoing sea trials, with a demonstration maiden voyage of some 9,000 km from Australia to Japan expected in coming months.
"There is the next phase of the project already running to build a commercial-scale hydrogen carrier by the mid-2020s, with an aim to go commercial in 2030," said Motohiko Nishimura, Kawasaki's vice executive officer.
The 1,250-cubic-meter tank to hold the hydrogen is double-shelled and vacuum-insulated to help maintain the temperature.
Kawasaki's prototype, a relatively modest 116 meters long and 8,000 gross tonnes, will run on diesel on its maiden voyage but the company aims to use hydrogen to power future, larger commercial vessels, Nishimura said.