美國能源信息署在5月份的《短期能源展望》(short Energy Outlook)報告和同期發布的夏季電力行業報告中還認為,天然氣價格上漲將抑制美國電力行業的天然氣使用。
李峻 編譯自 天然氣新聞
US EIA trims natural gas production forecasts, sees lower gas use for power this summer
The US Energy Information Administration May 11 lowered its forecasts for natural gas production for the remainder of 2021, even as it expected growing LNG exports and domestic consumption would help push Henry Hub spot prices higher.
In its May Short-Term Energy Outlook and an accompanying report on the summer electricity sector, the agency also cast higher natural gas prices as dampening use of the fuel in the power sector.
EIA lowered by 810 MMcf/d to 97.51 Bcf/d its natural gas marketed production estimate for the US in the second quarter and trimmed the Q3 production forecast by 990 MMcf/d to 98.13 Bcf/d.