據烴加工網5月7日報道,周五,亞洲10 ppm輕油的煉油利潤率連續第六周上升,因春季煉油業務好轉導致地區供應緊張。在亞洲交易時段,與迪拜原油相比,10ppm輕油的煉油利潤率保持在7.57美元/桶不變。
根據Refinitiv Eikon的數據顯示,價差本周上漲了4.4%,上個月上漲了約15%。然而,由于煉油廠從維護中恢復,產量增加,印度和日本因新冠疫情封鎖抑制了對工業燃料的需求,預計未來幾周,輕油市場將面臨壓力。印度周五報告稱,冠狀病毒病例又出現了創紀錄的日增長,貿易員預計,即將到來的更大范圍封鎖將導致該國燃料出口飆升。
含硫量為10ppm的輕油現貨價差較周五新加坡報價低0.10美元,而5 / 6月基準輕油期貨價差僅為- 1美分。
ARA庫存-根據荷蘭咨詢公司Insights Global的數據顯示,在截至5月6日的當周中,阿姆斯特丹-鹿特丹-安特衛普(ARA)煉油和倉儲中心的輕油庫存下降0.8%,至220萬噸。 -ARA航空燃油庫存周減少3.5%,至94.6萬噸。新加坡現金交易-無輕油交易,也沒有航空燃料交易。
郝芬 譯自 烴加工網
Asia Distillates-Gasoil cracks post sixth straight weekly gain
Asian refining margins for 10 ppm gasoil posted their sixth consecutive weekly rise on Friday as spring refinery turnarounds tightened regional supplies. Refining margins, also known as cracks, for 10 ppm gasoil remained unchanged at $7.57 per barrel over Dubai crude during Asian trading hours.
The cracks have gained 4.4% this week, and have risen about 15% in the last month, Refinitiv Eikon data showed. The gasoil market, however, is expected to come under pressure in the coming weeks as refineries returning from maintenance ramp up production, while coronavirus lockdowns in India and Japan dampen demand for the industrial fuel. India reported another record daily rise in coronavirus cases on Friday, and traders expect wider impending lockdowns would result in soaring fuel exports from the country.
Cash differentials for gasoil with 10 ppm sulphur content
ARA INVENTORIES - Gasoil stocks held independently in the Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp (ARA) refining and storage hub slipped 0.8% to 2.2 million tonnes in the week ended May 6, data from Dutch consultancy Insights Global showed. - ARA jet fuel inventories dropped 3.5% on-week to 946,000 tonnes. SINGAPORE CASH DEALS - No gasoil deals, no jet fuel trades
OTHER NEWS - Oil prices steadied on Friday and were set for a weekly gain against the backdrop of optimism over a global economic recovery, though the COVID-19 crisis in India capped prices.