據離岸工程網站4月28日消息 挪威Aker BP公司周三公布了創紀錄的第一季度營業利潤和收入,原因是油價和產量上漲,這家獨立的石油和天然氣生產商有望批準今年的幾項發展計劃。
該公司首席執行官Karl Johnny Hersvik對記者表示:“這是一個強勁的季度,產量良好,油田開發步入正軌,現金流創下歷史新高。”
Aker BP股價小幅下跌,截至格林尼治時間08:47,奧斯陸證交所下跌1.1%,落后于歐洲石油和天然氣股0.1%的跌幅。
Aker BP預計,將在第二季度和第三季度分別對其Kobra East Gekko和Frosk開發項目做出最終投資決定,目標是增加4000萬桶油當量的凈儲量。
吳恒磊 編譯自 離岸工程
Aker BP Q1 Swings to Record Operating Profit
Norway's Aker BP posted record first-quarter operating profit and revenue on higher prices and production on Wednesday as the independent oil and gas producer looks to approve several developments this year.
Earnings before interests and tax (EBIT) of $591 million contrasted with a loss of $266 million a year earlier and was close to the $596 million expected by analysts in a Refinitiv poll.
"This is a strong quarter with good production and on-track oilfield developments, and the cash flow is record high," CEO Karl Johnny Hersvik told reporters.
"The cost measures we've been working on for a while are really starting to gain traction," he said.
Production rose 7% to 222,200 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), a new high, while the price per barrel of crude increased to $60.10 from $44.20.
Aker shares fell slightly, trading 1.1% lower on the Oslo Bourse at 0847 GMT and lagging a 0.1% fall in European oil and gas stocks.
Aker BP expects to make final investment decisions for its Kobra East Gekko and Frosk developments in the second and third quarters respectively, aiming to add net reserves of 40 million barrels of oil equivalent.
The company is also on track with concept studies for its biggest potential development, the NOAKA area, and a decision on the concept is planned for the third quarter of 2021, Hersvik said.
Production in the second quarter was expected to be lower due to planned maintenance activities, and the company kept its full year guidance unchanged at 210,000-220,000 boepd.
"The company has the potential to almost double production from current levels at a break-even price of less than $30 (per barrel)," said Citigroup, which rates the shares a "buy".
While it primarily plans to focus on organic growth, with around 10 new projects in its pipeline, Hersvik said he also saw some opportunities to combine this with acquisitions.