據烴加工網站5月3日報道 西方石油公司的低碳部門周二表示,計劃建設和運營一個試點工廠,使用人造二氧化碳(而非碳氫化合物原料)生產生物乙烯。
該試驗工廠將由西方石油的風險投資公司西方石油低碳合資有限公司和生物工程初創公司Cemvita Factory聯合開發。預計2022年開始運行。
Cemvita首席執行官Moji Karimi表示,這項新技術利用二氧化碳、水和光生產生物乙烯,有助于降低成本和碳排放。
乙烯廣泛應用于化工行業,是從塑料薄膜到聚氯乙烯管道 和冷卻劑等產品的組成部分。
王磊 摘譯自 烴加工
Occidental unit to build low-carbon bio-ethylene plant
Occidental Petroleum's low-carbon unit said on Tuesday it plans to construct and operate a pilot plant that would use human-made carbon dioxide, instead of hydrocarbon-sourced feedstocks, to produce bio-ethylene.
The pilot plant will be jointly developed by Occidental's venture capital arm, Oxy Low Carbon Ventures LLC, and bio-engineering startup, Cemvita Factory. It is expected to start functioning in 2022.
Bio-ethylene is currently made from bio-ethanol, which is made from sugarcane.
The new technology produces bio-ethylene from carbon dioxide, water and light, which helps lower costs and carbon emissions, Cemvita's Chief Executive Officer Moji Karimi said.
Ethylene, widely used in the chemical industry, is a component of products ranging from plastic films to PVC piping and coolants.
Interest in low-carbon initiatives has grown in recent years, ranging from companies seeking to offset their climate impact to public officials worried about the slow pace of international agreements to cut emissions.
Oxy Low Carbon Ventures in 2019 had invested in Cemvita to look at bio-manufacturing for Occidental's chemical unit.