據《泰晤士報》報道,英國石油公司正在與EnBW Energie Baden Wuerttemberg AG聯合競標蘇格蘭的租賃權。EnBW是與其合作的德國區域性公用事業公司,該公司于2月首次進入愛爾蘭海上的英國海上風電市場。
郝芬 譯自 OE
Report: BP Looking to Build Offshore Wind Farms in Scotland
BP Plc is preparing to bid for the rights to build wind farms off Scotland, The Times reported early on Monday.
BP Chief Executive Officer Bernard Looney told he Times the firm was looking at bidding in the forthcoming Crown Estate Scotland auction to lease the seabed off Scotland for offshore wind projects.
Bids for the ScotWind process, offering 17 areas spanning 8,600 square km (3,320 square miles) of seabed, are yet to be finalized with a deadline of July 16, The Times reported.
BP is working on bidding jointly for the Scottish leases with EnBW Energie Baden Wuerttemberg AG, the German regional utility it partnered with on its first move into Britain’s offshore wind market in February in the Irish Sea, The Times report said.
In February, BP won two sites representing a total of 3 gigawatts (GW) jointly with EnBW, in what Bernstein analysts called a “highly contested race”.
It aims to ramp up renewable power generation from 3.3 GW at present to 50 GW by 2030, while slashing oil output to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.