高盛集團是最新一家重新評估石油需求增長終結的公司。其中最激進的呼聲來自英國石油公司(BP )。BP去年說,全球石油需求增長的時代可能已經結束,而國際能源署(IEA)的觀點則比BP更為保守,認為全球石油需求增長將在2030年左右進入平穩期。
包括Nikhil Bhandari和Damien Courvalin在內的高盛集團分析師在一份報告中表示,“推動能效提高和減排的政府政策對道路運輸燃料需求的影響最大。”“在經濟增長和消費增長(尤其是在新興市場)的推動下,石化產品將成為石油需求的新的基本負荷。”
李峻 編譯自 彭博社
Goldman projects transportation fuel demand will peak in 2026
Add Goldman Sachs Group Inc. to the list of forecasters calling for oil demand to peak sooner rather than later.
The bank brought forward its forecast for peak oil demand in the transportation sector by one year to 2026, if not sooner, largely due to the accelerating adoption of electric vehicles. Overall crude consumption will keep expanding this decade due to jet fuel and petrochemicals, but growth will be at an “anemic” pace past 2025.
Goldman is the latest to reevaluate what the end of demand growth will look like for oil. Among the most aggressive calls is that from BP Plc, which said last year that the era of oil demand growth may already be over, while the International Energy Agency has taken a more conservative view than BP, seeing demand plateau from around 2030.
Most recently, Wood Mackenzie Ltd. warned of the “severe” risks for oil companies not preparing for an accelerated energy transition. If governments move aggressively to cut greenhouse emissions in line with the Paris Climate Accord, oil consumption would start to decline as early as 2023
“Government policies driving higher efficiency gains and lower emissions have had the strongest bearing on road transport demand,” Goldman analysts including Nikhil Bhandari and Damien Courvalin said in a report. “Petrochemicals will become the new baseload for oil demand, driven by economic growth and rising consumption, especially in emerging markets.”