???? 據4月4日福布斯報道,上周,一家CCS智庫的負責人表示,捕獲和儲存二氧化碳的新興行業必須更快地擴大到石油行業的規模。
????全球CCS研究所(Global CCS Institute)負責人布拉德·佩奇(Brad Page)表示:“坦率地說,我們面臨著一個令人不安的現實,很難擺脫對碳捕捉和儲存的需求,既要避免排放,又要成為二氧化碳去除(CDR)的重要組成部分。”
????王佳晶 摘譯自 福布斯
????Carbon Capture Has To Get As Big As Oil Industry In Less Than 30 Years
????The nascent industry that captures and stores carbon dioxide has to scale to the size of the oil industry much faster than oil did, the head of a CCS think tank said last week.
????“We have an uncomfortable reality, quite frankly,” said Brad Page, head of the Global CCS Institute. “It’s very hard to get away from needing carbon capture and storage both to avoid emissions and also to be a significant part of carbon dioxide removal (CDR).”
????“CDR alone is going to require an industry at least the size of the current oil and gas industry,” he said in a seminar hosted by the Stanford Precourt Institute for Energy, “but operating in reverse. And it’s worth remembering that (oil) industry has been built over more than 50-100 years in many countries. This is no small challenge.”
????The oil industry moves about 5 gigatons of oil and gas per year. That’s not the weight of the carbon dioxide it emits, but the weight of the oil and gas it moves. To meet climate goals, the world has to remove at least that weight of carbon dioxide—5 to 10 gigatons—from the atmosphere each year, Page said.
????That’s about 5 times the weight of the material produced annually by the global plastics industry.
????While there are many initiatives underway to reduce emissions—switching to clean energy, electrified transportation, and a plant-based diet—some human activities will need carbon capture for the foreseeable future, Page said, in order to be emissions free.
????“We have hard-to-decarbonize sectors,” he said, “and these generally need carbon capture and storage to address their emissions: steel, chemicals, cement, fertilizers and plastics as a range of examples, but again, it’s not the whole list.”
????The Global CCS Institute is an international think tank seeking to accelerate the deployment of carbon capture and storage. It knows of 26 operating CCS facilities and 40 more that are either in development or suspended.
????Were all 66 operating, Page said, they would collectively capture and store 102 megatons of carbon dioxide per year. Capacity may have to increase 1oo-fold by 2050, Page said.
????“To achieve climate goals requires, among many other things, at least the premature retirement of existing facilities, and at an enormous scale, or many many gigatons of annual abatement of carbon capture and storage on those facilities. Or most likely, a combination of the two.”