???? 據天然氣資訊3月4日新聞消息稱,維多已為其尋求減少碳排放的液化天然氣客戶推出了一種綠色液化天然氣產品。
????維多液化天然氣負責人Pablo Galante Escobar說:“維多在碳市場上的地位使我們能夠為尋求減少排放的液化天然氣客戶提供受歡迎的產品。過渡性能源解決方案的門檻正在提高,我們很高興能夠將綠色液化天然氣加入我們的投資組合。”
????維多排放交易主管Michael Curran表示:“這表明,我們現有的碳項目組合可以為更廣泛的能源客戶增加價值。我們預計,隨著全球致力于實現零碳排放,對減少碳排放的能源解決方案的需求將會增長。”
????Wood Mackenzie天然氣與電力咨詢主管Gavin Law表示:“隨著對LNG相關排放的關注日益增加,我們很高興液化天然氣排放工具被選擇為液化天然氣相關排放估算的獨立來源,維多及其客戶將在抵消過程中使用該工具。”
????朱佳妮 摘譯自 天然氣資訊
????Green LNG product launched by Vitol
????Vitol has launched a Green LNG product for its LNG customers looking to mitigate carbon emissions.
????The emissions associated with the cargo, from wellhead to DES delivery, will be offset through the cancellation of Verified Emissions Reductions (VERs).
????All LNG customers will be offered the opportunity of converting LNG cargoes to Green LNG through offsets.
????Pablo Galante Escobar, Head of LNG, Vitol said: “Vitol’s established presence in carbon markets has enabled us to construct a compelling offering for LNG customers looking to mitigate emissions. The bar for transitional energy solutions is rightly being raised and we are delighted to be able to add Green LNG to our portfolio.”
????Michael Curran, Head of Emissions Trading, Vitol said: “This demonstrates how our established portfolio of carbon projects can add value to our wider energy customers. We anticipate demand for carbon-mitigating energy solutions to grow as the world focuses on achieving Net Zero.”
????Gavin Law, Head of Gas & Power Consulting, Wood Mackenzie said: “With the growing focus on LNG-related emissions, we are delighted that the LNG Emissions Tool has been chosen as the independent source of LNG-related emissions estimates which will be used by Vitol and its customers in the offset process.”
????Vitol’s carbon team has been established for over a decade. In addition to participating in both compliance and voluntary markets, Vitol is invested in a growing portfolio of carbon offsetting projects around the world.