???? 據石油新聞紐約報道,美國著名煉油企業菲利普斯66(Phillips 66)1月29日表示,由于該公司尋求通過增加其可再生能源的地位來重塑其煉油足跡,菲利普斯66去年第四季度業績受到了颶風對其旗下美國墨西哥灣沿岸(USGC)煉油廠的影響。
????菲利普斯66旗下的具有日加工25.56萬桶原油能力的Alliance煉油廠位于路易斯安那州Belle Chasse,去年9月中旬因颶風勞拉而關閉,直到今年1月初才重新啟動。
????菲利普斯 66沒有給出第一季度煉油廠利用率指引,稱將視市場情況而定。今年1月,菲利普斯66的煉油系統在70%的范圍內運行。
????李峻 編譯自 石油新聞
????Phillips 66 reports weak fourth quarter on storm-hit USGC refining results
????Phillips 66's fourth-quarter results were weighed down from the hurricane impact on its US Gulf Coast refineries as the company looks to reshape its refining footprint by increasing its renewables fuels position.
????For the fourth quarter, Phillips 66's USGC refineries ran at 48% of capacity compared with its overall system, which ran at 69% of capacity. The extremely active 2020 hurricane season -- which set a record for the number of storms-- greatly impacted Phillips 66's USGC refinery operations and intensified the impact of coronavirus pandemic-led demand drop.
????The 255,600 b/d Alliance refinery in Belle Chasse, Louisiana, was shut down mid-September for Hurricane Laura, not restarting until early January.
????"And then Lake Charles with the two hurricanes that came through there. We were just about up and running from the first one, and then we came back with the second one," said CEO Greg Garland on Jan. 29 fourth quarter results call referring to Phillip 66's 260,000 b/d Westlake, Louisiana, plant.
????The Alliance refinery restarted in early January and the Lake Charles plant "is up and processing crude" despite some operating issues arising from the power outages of the hurricanes, Garland added.
????Phillips 66 did not give guidance for first quarter refinery utilization, saying it would be according to market conditions. In January, Phillips 66's refining system was running in the low 70% range.