???? 據OE網站2月15日報道,馬來西亞石油和天然氣巨頭馬來西亞國家石油公司周一表示,其PFLNG Dua浮動LNG設施最近生產了其第一批LNG。 這是該公司的第二個FLNG裝置,也是其第一個深水FLNG設施。
????PFLNG Dua位于羅坦(Rotan)氣田,距離馬來西亞沙巴的Kota Kinabalu 140公里。
????馬國油表示,通過與上游生產分成合同合作伙伴PTT Exploration and Production合作,其已成功完成了海底調試階段,并于2021年2月6日實現了首次生產。
????馬國油的LNG資產副總裁Zakaria Kasah表示,這項成就展示了我們專注于執行力和不斷努力以突破界限為我們的客戶提供創新和以客戶為中心的解決方案。
????這一里程碑發生在PFLNG Dua駛離韓國三星重工(SamsungHeavyIndustries'Your)幾乎整整一年之后。
????根據馬國油的說法,PFLNG DUA工廠預計將于2021年3月中旬向客戶交付其首批LNG貨物。一旦商業化,馬國油將成為首家擁有和運營兩個浮動LNG設施的全球能源公司。
????馬國油稱,與PFLNG SATU一起,該公司于2016年首次從位于沙撈越(Sarawak)近海的Kanowit氣田生產液化天然氣,并于2019年成功地搬遷到沙巴(Sabah)近海的kebabangan油田,這一解決方案允許在離陸地數百公里外的近海進行液化天然氣加工。它的多功能性使得馬國油能夠解鎖偏遠和擱淺的氣田,勘探這些氣田以前是不經濟的。
????PFLNG DUA能夠到達水深達1500米的氣田,每年可生產150萬噸LNG。
????郝芬 譯自 OE
????Petronas' Floating LNG Facility PFLNG Dua Produces First LNG
????Malaysian oil and gas giant Petronas said Monday that its PFLNG Dua floating LNG facility has recently produced its first LNG. This is the company's second FLNG Unit, and its first deepwater FLNG facility.
????The PFLNG Dua is located at the Rotan gas field, 140km off Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
????"In collaboration with its upstream Production Sharing Contract partner, PTT Exploration and Production, it has successfully completed the subsea commissioning phase and achieved its first has on 6 February 2021," Petronas said.
????Petronas' Vice President of LNG Asset Zakaria Kasah said: “This achievement showcases our focused execution and continuous effort in pushing boundaries to deliver innovative and customer-centric solutions to our customers.
????"Despite operating in a challenging environment which is exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, we managed to commission this megastructure and achieve first LNG production in 7 days upon the first gas in. This is a record achievement, and a great milestone for Petronas and the LNG industry.”
????The milestone comes almost exactly a year after the PFLNG Dua sailed away from Samsung Heavy Industries' yard in Korea, where it was built.
????According to Petronas, the PFLNG DUA facility is expected to deliver its first LNG cargo to customers by the middle of March 2021. Upon commercialization, PETRonAS will become the first global energy company to own and operate two floating LNG facilities.
????"Together with PFLNG SATU, which first produced LNG from the Kanowit gas field offshore Sarawak in 2016 and was successfully relocated to Kebabangan field offshore Sabah in 2019, this game-changing solution allows for the processing of LNG to be done offshore hundreds of kilometers away from land. Its versatility enables Petronas to unlock remote and stranded gas fields that were previously uneconomical to explore," Petronas said.
????The PFLNG DUA is capable of reaching gas fields in water depths up to 1,500 meters and can produce 1.5 million tonnes of LNG per year.